Get out of Digital Denial with digiREADY!

With digiREADY you can take your digital skills from zero to hero in a matter of weeks!

About digiREADY

At digiREADY, our vision is to help as many people as possible reach their digital potential by giving them the skills they need to take the next step on the path to the future they deserve, in work and in life.

As a collaboration between The Incuhive Group and Abri (previously Radian and Yarlington).

We offer residents a range of straight forward, engaging workshops and resources to improve their digital skills, whilst ensuring they are safe and secure online.

Whether you want to learn how to stay in touch with friends and family, how to create a CV or find the best broadband deal, our range of modules offers something for everybody.

Courses are delivered ‘live’ via our team of highly skilled in-house trainers, but can also be undertaken independently so that you can learn at a time and place that is convenient for you.

For more information please contact us or take a look at our course content. To book your place - contact Abri who will ensure you get registered.

Meet the digiREADY Team

George Scott-Welsh

Project Manager & Incuhive Director

George Scott-Welsh is the Project Manager for this contract and is passionate about helping people. For the last three years he has run two business support contracts for local councils helping small businesses and start-up founders develop their skills and drive their businesses forward. This has been in the form of one-to-one mentoring and group training and is a part of his job he really enjoys. Having the opportunity to help people develop their digital skills is really exciting for George and he’ll probably learn something too. In his spare time he can mostly be found in his shed or hanging out with his wife and young children

Project Manager & Incuhive Director
Joanne Brinton

Finance Director

Joanne is a chartered accountant with a wealth of experience in the financial directorship arena. Jo holds an MBA and has worked for large public sector organisations in a Financial Director role, including Centrica and the NHS. Jo looks after everything money and finances wise for Team digiREADY, and keeps us all in check! In her free time, Joanne runs her own soap company (The Winchester Soap Company) and is a trained florist!

Finance Director
Tony Edwards

Training Manager

Tony has spent the last three years running his own IT Consultancy business after being made redundant as Head of IT for a National Procurement Franchise, where he would deliver training to new procurement consultants on technology and bespoke systems developed by the organisation in both a one on one and group environment. Tony understands that everyone will learn in a slightly different way and having that insight is key to the delivery of helping you learn the way you feel comfortable. When Tony isn’t delivering training for us and running his own business you can find him at home with his family or during the summer at one of the many cricket grounds across the county.

Training Manager

Course Content

We offer six different digital upskilling modules, each created to be easy to follow yet interactive and engaging.

Level 1 modules can be delivered over the telephone to develop basic skills and confidence, with Level 2 & 3 modules then be delivered via 90 - 120 minute live sessions with our experienced trainers on a variety of days and times.

If those don’t work for you, we also offer a self-directed option where you can work through modules at a time and speed that works for you.

Feel free to start at Level 1 or at a level that meets your individual needs, but remember that everyone will need to complete the Portals module.

For direct links to our modules please speak to the Abri Customer Service Team in order to get yourself registered, or click login at the top of the page to get started.

For more information regarding our modules or to discuss your individual needs please contact us.

Our Modules

Level 1

This level is our introductory level, where you learn more about devices, how to power them on and charge them, what software is available and an introduction to some key terms and phrases.

Level 2

Our level 2 Modules delve into a little bit more detail in areas such as communicating over digital, how to handle information, buying and selling online and staying safe!

Level 3

Our Level 3 module is geared towards training you on how to use the Abri portals for reporting repairs, paying your rent etc

Get in touch

Should you have any questions or queries - please fill out this form and we will get back to you as soon as we are able.